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Obesity and disorders of lipid metabolism

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies have shown the close and consistent correlation between the amount and distribution of body fat and plasma concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins. Complex relationships between obesity on the one hand and the metabolism of lipoproteins (LP) on the other are given the heterogeneity of the phenotype of obesity (resp.

Overweight) and complexity and LP lipid disorders. Dyslipidemia are in industrialized countries in the general population the second most common metabolic disease (for incidence of obesity) occurring in up to 40% of the population; in individuals with premature atherosclerosis disturbances LP metabolism measured in 50-70%.

Increased concentration of total cholesterol (TC, total cholesterol> 5.0 mmol / l) and the risk of TC (> 6.2 mmol / l) has in CR 30 to 50% of people. Body fat percentage is dependent on age, gender and ethnicity of the individual.

Percent body fat increases with age and is higher in women (15-30%) than men (12-25%).