The current "clash of civilisations"(Samuel Hungtington, Clash of Civilisations, Harvard Press 1992) is dramatically accentuating the urgency of the classic question concerning the nature of Christianity (Adolf von Harnack, Wesen des Christentums, 1900). Today this is heading towards the principle to which Christianity owes its profile, and what appears as Christian identity (Eugen Biser, Einweisung ins Christentum, Düsseldorf 2001 p. 485).
Since its origin, a fundamental characteristic of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church has been the personalistic conception of ecclesiology. Its expression is an understanding of the Eucharist as a rendering present of the Resurrected in didactic norms as the Spirit of Christ.
The identity of the church depends on a living relationship towards God, revealed bodily in Jesus Christ and currently present as the Holy Spirit.