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Anticommunism in the Czech Republic after the year 1989 from the perspectivee of the members of the KSČ/KSČM

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The thesis deals with the topic of anticommunism in the Czech republic after the year 1989. The main subject of the thesis was to describe how this development is perceived and reflected by members of KSČ/KSČM.

The author approaches to this research issue by oral history method, through analyses and interpretation of obtained set of interviews: biographical narratives and structured interviews. The author answers to questions: how selected members of KSČ/KSČM define anticommunism, who are anticommunists according them, how they periodize this development and what personal experiences they have with anticommunism.

There is also paid attention to question, why selected members of KSČ/KSČM have entered the communist party and why they remained member after year 1989. The text summarizes chronologically the development of anticommunism in the Czech republic after the 1989 attempt to make "historical compromise" in the first months of revolution, utilization of anticommunism for propagation "ideology of privatization" by right wing political parties in the first half of the nineties and the transformation of the anticommunism into the universal argument of the right wing political rethoric in the political struggle with the left.