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Media transmission of pop-culture transformation: comics vs. ancient myth

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The text is composed from two parts. Their aim is to provide a closer view to the connection between contemporary comic's code and ancient Greek heroic myths.

Main thesis is that it is possible to see a genre of comic books stories about superheroes as a modern allusion of classical narratives. The first part introduces a more detailed description of theoretical background and construction of the classical mythology stories which allows connection with superheroes comics as a new mythology.

The analysis of their narrative's mechanisms shows us that there might be a structure which repeats is self, no matter of time or cultural environment. The second part reflects upon Umbero Eco's texts from Apocalittici e integrati (1964) Partial English translation: Apocalypse Postponed.

The role of the Umbert Eco's text serves here as a tool forhow to reveal possible impacts of this connection on contemporary development of the comic theory and analysis of narration mechanisms.