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The SS terror in Lower Austria in June 1933

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study is focused on an analysis of SS terrorist activities in Lower Austria in the summer of 1933. Its aim is to reveal concrete offenders, to trace their preparation and to find out the course of particular events.

Thanks to the use of unpublished sources, most of the offenders who came from the 52nd SS-Standarte were identified. Although the actions were carried out on the order of the highest Austrian SS leadership and with the approval of the SS in Germany, members of other Nazi organizations (SA, HJ) and even ordinary members of the NSDAP were also involved in the preparation, implementation and subsequent attempts to cover the tracks.

This was the difference compared to the terrorist attacks committed recently before in Vienna, which were carried out in the exclusive competence of the SS. Attacks of the Lower Austrian SS were different from the terror of the Vienna SS at one more point, by selecting aims.

While the terror in Vienna was directed against Jews and their property, the Lower Austrian SS one was focused on state infrastructure and property of political parties. Therefore, the study observes also these aspects and tries to answer why it was like that.

Lastly, it mentions how many men were investigated and sentenced for the committed acts (and how high the sentences were) and how many of them remained unpunished.