We present a semi-automated approach to comprehensively examine coronary remodeling over the entire length of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaged vessels. Serial measurements at baseline and 12-month follow-up are analyzed rather than static data obtained at a single time point.
Every IVUS pullback is segmented automatically, and then reviewed and algorithmically refined by an expert using a computer-aided just-enough-interaction approach. Subsequently, pairs of serial IVUS pullbacks are registered automatically using 3D graph optimization approach.
Based on plaque volume increases or decreases over time, pullback frames are divided into two groups - progression and regression. It is shown that plaque progression rates are positively correlated with percent stenosis (PS) indices (p 50%.
This strongly suggests that lipid lowering treatment may effectively suppress plaque progression and accelerate plaque regression, especially for larger values of percent stenosis, and further accelerate the corresponding adventitia-remodeling process.