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Alternative forms of cohabitation and registered partnership in the broader context

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Alternative forms of cohabitation are very current social phenomenon with many implications in different legal spheres of life. The reality of the last decades shows that this is an upward (though not staggering) trend in contemporary modus vivendi of couples.

Current demographic and statistical analyses confirmed this upward trend, since 2012 the share of households formed by unmarried couples has been 8,7% (i.e approx. 234 thousands of households). Another fact worth noting is a growing number of children raised by unmarried couples.

If in 2005 was thus raised 5.7% of children under 18 in 2012 grew almost 15% of children younger than 18 years in such households (i.e. here we note a significant increase - about 2.5 times more). Present chapter analyzes especially the legal and social context of this phenomenon.

Institute of registered partnership in the Czech social context presents - in addition to cohabitation (cohabitation) - one of the forms of a same sex cohabitation (the institutionalized one).