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Husserl's Phenomenology and Modern Science

Publication at Faculty of Education |


In this text, we use Husserl's deepened philosophical asking to uncover problems originating from metaphysical presumptions. Descartes' metaphysical project was led by the true philosophical intention to uncover the evident basis of reasoning.

The whole metaphysical tradition was alive at that time and taken over without being thematized as such, in particular, the problem of substance and related ontological and logical frame. Considering this and using Husserl's phenomenology we are trying here to exercise a few steps for understanding of our situation shaped by modern science.

Always already living and encountering ourselves within the world we always originate from the transcendental ground, "on" which the non-thematic but founding and in this sense disclosing unity of our encountering is occurring, thanks to which we are able to encounter something as some-thing in the world.