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Crip Notes on the Idea of Development

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Recognising that the fantasy of development retains its political and economic salience and continues to inform imaginings of the future, a 'good life', and humanity, the special issue, Cripping Development, charts the manifold ways in which development utilises and leans against disability, race, gender, caste, social status, hierarchical notions of 'difference' and structures of precarity. In Crip Notes on Development, the contributors map strategies of resistance and 'crip appropriations' of development and also explore the possibilities of creative reimaginings and critical reorientations of development to ask: What would it mean to embrace the notions of chronicity, stagnation, and debility as a focus for reorienting the idea of development? How would doing this reorient how we relate to the present and to what we imagine to be the 'solution' to the impasse of development? What forms of sustenance of life would it allow for?