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Monitoring of Migration Data and Policy Changes Conducted in Ukraine, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia (September 2015 - June 2016)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This publication originated in the framework of the project Ukraine's migration monitoring: forced and labour mobility (2015-2016) financed by the International Visegrad Fund. The project was carried out by Geomigrace from Charles University (Czechia), together with the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) from Poland, the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, and 'Europe without Barriers' from Ukraine.

The publication presents results of the monitoring of available migration data and policy changes conducted in Ukraine, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia in September 2015 - June 2016. The monthly reports served as a statistical and policy basis for our field qualitative study presented in Volume I of the book (Ukrainian migration in times of crisis: forced and labour mobility).