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Interface-free capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry systemwith nanospray ionization-Analysis of dexrazoxane in blood plasma

Publication at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


The interface-free capillary electrophoresis-nanospray/mass spectrometry system (CE-nESI/MS) was applied for analysis of the cardioprotective drug dexrazoxane and its hydrolysed form ADR-925 in deproteinized blood plasma samples. The aim of this study was to test the simplest possi-ble CE-nESI/MS instrumentation for analyses of real samples.

Excellent electrophoretic separation and sensitive nanosprayionization was achieved with the use of only one high voltage power supply. In addition, hydropho-bic external coating was developed and tested for additional stability of the nanospray ionization.