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Acculturation of immigrant women from Muslim countries into Czech cultural society and their mobility in time and space

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This paper examines the acculturation process of women immigrant to Czech cultural environment. Acculturation can be defined as adaptation to cultural environment.

Just like the other phases of international migration, this process is gendered. Experts have shown that women experience acculturation differently than men.

Due to their reproductive role they are considered to be carriers and protectors of immigrant groups' cultural identity and are expected to transmit cultural values to the future generations. The acculturation process' assessment was based on theory of stress and coping.

The aim is to study the relationship between acculturation and migration mobility of women immigrant in time and space, which brings geographical view to assimilation processes of immigrants. There is considered secondary migration after arrival in the country and mobility throughout the day.

The mobility is studied by using the semi-structured interviews with immigrants. As the sample group were chosen ethnic Muslim women from Muslim countries.

The main objective is to determine whether the communication partners were experiencing acculturative stress during their adaptation to new cultural environments, how they coped with this stress, what influenced their acculturation in Czech environment, and how it relates to their mobility in time and space with the phase of acculturation.