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Comparison of volume estimation methods for pancreatic islet cells

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta |

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In this contribution we study different methods of automatic volume estimation for pancreatic islets which can be used in the quality control step prior to the islet transplantation. The total islet volume is an important criterion in the quality control.

Also, the individual islet volume distribution is interesting it has been indicated that smaller islets can be more effective. A 2D image of a microscopy slice containing the islets is acquired.

The input of the volume estimation methods are segmented images of individual islets. The segmentation step is not discussed here.

We consider simple methods of volume estimation assuming that the islets have spherical or ellipsoidal shape. We also consider a local stereological method, namely the nucleator.

The nucleator does not rely on any shape assumptions and provides unbiased estimates if isotropic sections through the islets are observed. We present a simulation study comparing the performance of the volume estimation methods in different scenarios and an experimental study comparing the methods on a real dataset.