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Magnetic phase diagrams of the Tm2Fe17-H system

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The compound Tm2Fe17, the only one among R2Fe17 (where R is a rare earth metal), exhibits uniaxial magnetic anisotropy at cryogenic temperatures. Its Curie temperature is close to room temperature, T (C) = 295 K.

Magnetic phase diagrams for the Tm2Fe17-H system have been constructed on the basis of measuring the temperature and field dependences of magnetization performed for different crystallographic directions of single-crystalline samples of Tm2Fe17 and its hydrides Tm2Fe17Hx (x = 1, 2, 3, 4). It has been found that the hydrogen atoms, located in the interstices of the crystal lattice of this compound, have a significant effect on both its Curie temperature and the type of magnetic anisotropy.