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Charge transport in CdZnTe coplanar grid detectors examined by laser induced transient currents

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Laser-induced transient current technique was used for the visualization of charge transfer in the coplanar CdZnTe radiation detector including distinction to the collecting and noncollecting grids. Transient current waveforms measured at different intergrid biasing allowed us the identification of principal charge transit features and the final redistribution of collected charge between grids.

We have demonstrated that while at the initial period of the charge passage through the detector bulk the current waveform shapes on the collection and non-collection electrodes are nearly the same, the intergrid biasing entails significant current deviation at the final part of the transients, where inverted current through the non-collecting grid induces markedly reduced/enhanced collected charge in the non-collecting/collecting electrode. An optimum ratio of cathode/intergrid biasing was found to be close to the ratio of detector/intergrid dimensions.

Theoretical simulations demonstrating all charge-transfer characteristics were presented and proved the validity of the experimental data. Published by AIP Publishing.