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Aluminium(III) sensing by pyridoxal hydrazone utilising the chelation enhanced fluorescence effect

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


A chemosensor based on pyridoxal hydrazone was prepared in a two-step synthesis with a high yield. Chemosensor I exhibits high sensitivity and anti-disturbance for aluminium(III) ions among other biologically important metal ions.

Aluminium(III) ion sensing was accomplished using a chelation enhanced fluorescence (CHEF) effect and photoinduced electron transfer (PET) inhibition. Chemosensor 1 shows a high association constant (1 x 10(5) M-1) towards aluminium(III) ions in DMSO-H2O (9:1, v/v).

The detection limit of the fluorescence response of chemosensor 1 for aluminium(III) ions is 6 x 10(-7) M.