WW II led Jiří Weil to make a fundamental change in the thematic focus of his work. First he published short stories Barvy (Colours) and Mír (Peace), mostly with the Holocaust topic, in 1949 the excellent novel Život s hvězdou (Life with a Star) was edited.
Here through the eyes of an ordinar man, a Jew named Roubíček, the reader follows the persecution and gradual degradation of Czech Jews during the Protectorate-era in Prague. Official Communist critics condemned this book.
Weil could publish his works at the end of the 1950th, short befor his death (Žalozpěv za 77 297 obětí, An Elegy for 77 297 Victims; Na střeše je Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn Is on the Roof). Mainly Žalozpěv, a montage of three interwinings stylistic and grafic parts, is an oustandig work focusing on the Shoah.