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Cardiovascular risk monitoring in patients with schizophrenia

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The mortality due to cardiovascular (CV) disease is doubled in patients with schizophrenia compared to general population and they have a higher prevalence of modifiable CV risk factors. The causes of increased CV burden in schizophrenia include unhealthy life style and high prevalence of smoking.

Schizophrenia itself is associated with changes in catecholamines, hormones and pro-inflammatory mediators with potential impact on cardiovascular system and its function. Antipsychotics can have a negative impact on various metabolic parameters and further increase CV risk in treated individuals.

Both the diagnostics and treatment of CV health problems is insufficient in patients with schizophrenia. As a consequence, the gap in CV mortality between these patients and the general population becomes wider.

We present the recommended monitoring of CV risk factors in patients treated with antipsychotics, as well as the evidence based treatment options.