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German's Post-War Society under Scrutiny. The Perspective of a Holocaust Survivor, Philosopher and Characterologist Emil Utitz

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The commented translations of texts by Emil Utitz map the thought of this German speaking Prague Jew in the period immediately following the end of World War II. In the text "Germany Between Today and Tomorrow", he comments on the possibilities of post-war German society to regain stability.

In his article "Transports into Theresienstadt", Utitz looks back on the time when he, a victim of Nazi-Germany, was captured in this ghetto. In the article "Heinrich Graetz and the Construction of Jewish History", Utitz analyses the concept of history in the context of Jewish philosophical as well as historical thought.

The last text included is entitled "What Jewish History Can Teach Us"; in this text, Utitz focuses on the figure of the foreigner and the conception of humanity in the Jewish Torah.