The aim of the monograph is to make the text of so called "Ježdík's manual" accessible to historians and broader public. The original manuscript was written by the burgermeister and municipal scrivener Pavel Ježdík in the Czech small-town of Čelákovice as a handbook for administrational purposes.
It includes a wide spectrum of records: proceedings of the municipal council, its correspondence, real estate ownership transfers, accounts, commemorative records etc. Pavel Ježdík (1595-1663) played a crucial role in the contemporary municipal administration of Čelákovice and thanks to his efforts an important part of the municipal archive of the town was saved.
As far as there is a lack of sources from the Middle Elbe region concerning the last decade of the Thirty Years' War and the first years of the after war renewal, so called "Ježdík's manual" presents the most important historical source for this region and time. The presented book contains the edition of over 300 pages of the original source, explanatory notes, indexes, illustrations, abstract in German language and introduction focused on the analysis of the source, personality of its author and the history of Čelákovice in the first half of the 17th century.