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Streaming algorithms for embedding and computing edit distance in the low distance regime

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Hamming and the edit metrics are two common notions of measuring distances between pairs of strings x,y lying in the Boolean hypercube. The edit distance between x and y is defined as the minimum number of character insertion, deletion, and bit flips needed for converting x into y.

Whereas, the Hamming distance between x and y is the number of bit flips needed for converting x to y. In this paper we study a randomized injective embedding of the edit distance into the Hamming distance with a small distortion.

We show a randomized embedding with quadratic distortion. Namely, for any x,y satisfying that their edit distance equals k, the Hamming distance between the embedding of x and y is O(k2) with high probability.

This improves over the distortion ratio of O( n * n) obtained by Jowhari (2012) for small values of k. Moreover, the embedding output size is linear in the input size and the embedding can be computed using a single pass over the input.

We provide several applications for this embedding. Among our results we provide a one-pass (streaming) algorithm for edit distance running in space O(s) and computing edit distance exactly up-to distance s1/6.

This algorithm is based on kernelization for edit distance that is of independent interest.