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Low-frequency Slivan states in the outer main belt?

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Context. Spin states of several main belt asteroids have been recently found to reside in what is called the Slivan state, namely a secular spin-orbit resonance with the s(6) mode of their orbital precession in space.

Aims. We examine a possibility of the Slivan states of asteroids with other than orbital s6 precession frequency.

Methods. The asteroids' orbital and spin states are numerically propagated using well-tested computer codes.

We select parameter space favorable for the Slivan-state capture with the s(7) frequency mode of the orbital precession. The stability of these states is numerically verified.

Results. We find that asteroid (184) Dejopeja has a spin state captured in (or very nearly) the Slivan state with the s7 orbital frequency.

In general, such a situation may favorably occur for low-inclination orbits in the outermost part of the main asteroid belt. We expect these states to be common among the Themis family members.