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The view back to Bohemia. Libuše Moníkovás project of another Europe from the spirit of migration

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In her novels and essays, Libuše Moníková always looks back on that Bohemia that she has left. Her focus is on the specific interculturalism of the Bohemian countries, which has been described as a coexistence of Czechs, Germans and Jews and which has found its end in the expulsions of the Germans after the Second World War.

In contrast to the "official" national cultural memory of Czechoslovakia and today Czech Republic, she also comes back to the important role played by the Germans in this cultural area, which she illuminates from two perspectives: an inner-Bohemian and one from her actual German place of residence. For Moníková this view back is at the same time a look into another and better European future, which shall arise by the repeal and shifting of internal European boundaries, whereby such other dealing with (national, cultural) borders is above all due to her own migration experience.