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Cardiorespiratory capacity in sporting population

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


VO2max and VO2max/kg values were directly abtained during 2777 measurements in competitive athletes and active but not competing subjects. The normatives of cardiorespiratory capacity for different age groups of male and female were established, and compared to normatives for Czech population based on the International Biological Program (IBP) results (Seliger and Bartůněk 1976).

The highest correlation was found between VO2max and Wmax and between VO2max/kg and Wmax/kg. This high correlation was very similarly high in the whole sample of 2777 examinations, in the sample of men (n = 2015) and women (n = 762) and also in majority age-groups in different athletic groups A to D.

Thus, aerobic fitness level has been strongly and positively associated with reduced disease and mortality rates, good quality of life, performance level, and functional ability.