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A brief note on the reciprocal reception of Czech and Hispanic theories of translation

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


At present, Translation Studies are undergoing methodological innovation that brings, among other things, the study of areas that were forgotten until recently or not discovered at all. The objective lies in presenting modern concepts of Spanish, Latin American and Czech origin, using the following lines of investigation as a basis: 1) Sedm tváří translatologie [Seven faces of Translation Studies] introduces new concepts and methods studied in the Iberian Peninsula; 2) Překlad a tlumočení jako most mezi kulturami [Translation and interpreting as a bridge between cultures] presents tendencies in Latin America; 3) Jiří Levý: Una concepción (re)descubierta [Jiří Levý: a (re)discovered conception] introduces Levý's innovative concepts to the Spanish speaking world.

The methodology lies in selecting and translating the most representative texts by contemporary Spanish and Latin American translation scholars and by Levý in their respective languages, thus making a contribution to the exchange between Czech and Hispanic theories.