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Current State and Prospects of Didactics of Chemistry

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This contribution presents the state and evolution of the didactics of chemistry in the last 20 years, including the overview and analysis of research problems that are solved as a part of this discipline. We show the specific parts of the didactics of chemistry compared to the didactics of other disciplines, the relations to the changing character of science and the influence of this development on the didactics of chemistry, i.e. the multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary interlocking of the disciplines.

The educational policies in the Czech Republic and the EU are also an important influence on the development of the didactics of various disciplines, including chemistry. The key points of further development of the didactics of chemistry are characterized further based on this analysis; this mainly concerns the deepening of its theoretical base, the sufficient publication platform and the widening of communication between the didactics of various disciplines in the Czech Republic and abroad with the goal to achieve conceptual bonding and to solve common problems on transdidactical level.