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Life Expectancy in Districts of the Czech Republic from 2001 to 2015

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Czech Statistical Office recently constructed mortality tables for districts of the Czech Republic for the period from 2011 to 2015 (published in July 2016 on To eliminate random fluctuations, the tables for smaller territorial units are constructed for a multiannual period; for districts it is for a five-year period.

The tables for the Czech Republic are also processed for a five-year period for the purpose of comparison. These are normally calculated for each calendar year.

The aim of the paper is to evaluate the main output of mortality tables, i.e. life expectancy, from a regional perspective in a given period and compare it with the two previous periods: 2001-2005 and 2006-2010) The article begins by describing regional differences in life expectancy at birth, revealing the differences in overall mortality, and proceeds then to describe, first, regional differences in life expectancy at age 45 and age 65 and, second, regional variability in mortality and the changes therein by sex. The mortality tables for districts in the given years that are published by the Czech Statistical Office were used as the sources of data.

The territorial division of input data always respects the territorial structure of the relevant year. During the whole observed period the district borders changed (in conformity with Government Decree No. 513/2006 Coll., which came into force on 1 January 2007).

The district the population belonged to changed in 119 municipalities. This affected 35 districts and in most of them the population has not changed significantly, except in Praha-východ (Prague-East), Plzeň-město (Pilsen-City), Brno-venkov (Brno-Rural) and Ostrava-město (Ostrava-City), which saw sizeable increases in population size, and the districts Plzeň-jih (Pilsen-South), Břeclav, and Frýdek-Místek, where was a greater decline in population size.

It is necessary to point out that the time comparison of indicators may be affected by this administrative change.