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The Serbian and Montenegrin literature of the national revival

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Serbian literature of the national revival (end-18. century to the third quarter of the 19. century) is closely linked with the political, social, cultural, and social development of Serbian ethnicity at the three territories. Primarily literary works were made on the territory of Southern Hungary.

Here the Serbs created the conditions for the emergence of educational, awareness-raising and cultural institutions and participated in the cultural and political uplift of the Serbs on the other territory, in the newly emerging Serbian principality. The third territory of Montenegro.

Initially it was mainly language-emancipatory process, the struggle for the form of the literary language lasted more than half a century. Literary development took place from the late classicism, through rationalism, sentimentalism to romanticism.

The prevailing poetic work, were more abundantly plays, especially comedy (Jovan Sterija Popović), rarely were cultivated prose (Dositej Obradović), memoirs and travelogues. Top pre-romantic song is the Mountain wreath, by the author is the ruler of Montenegro, Petar Petrović Njegoš.

Romanticism took place in two stages, first presented his work of Branko Radičević, in the second on european level got the formation of the so-called constellation of the Serbian romanticism (Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Djura Jakšić and Laza Kostić). In the mid 70's. years 19. century romanticism in Serbian literature fade out and with him was a complete the process of national revival.