The analytical survey reports on the specific type of non-competitive conferences for doctoral students from the Czech and Slovak Republic, which have been held under the name "Students' Forum". Participants interested in performing the results of their research at the conference send to the organizers in advance their manuscript article.
The organizers choose appropriate opponents, who prepare the reviews which are sent to the doctoral students before the start of the conference so that they may prepare themselves for the debate. During the conference, the PhD students report on their research, the opponents present their comments and suggestions for improvement; other doctoral students usually take part in the discussion.
From each year's conference, a collection of proceedings is published so that there are now 15 of them available. During the 15 years of the conferences, hundreds of doctoral students have taken part in them.
Nowadays, many of the postgraduate students are already associate professors at their workplaces, and participate in the organization of the mentioned conferences.