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Revision of the flora of the late Oligocene lake deposits of the mine ''Stößchen'' near Linz on Rhine (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

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A reinvestigation of historical fossil plant collections made in the 19th century in the lignite mine "Stößchen" at Linz (Rhineland-Palatinate, late Oligocene) and published by Weber (1851-1852) and Weyland (1948) as well as other material collected later from this site resulted in new interpretations on this fossil flora. Previous morphological and anatomical investigations of foliage have been partly revised and complemented.

The following taxa have been newly characterized, emended and typified: Laurus protodaphne C. O.

Weber [= Laurophyllum sp.], Alnus rhenana (P. Wessel & C.

O. Weber) Winterscheid & Kvaček, Populus dubia P.

Wessel in P. Wessel & C.

O. Weber and Carpinus elliptica P.

Wessel in P. Wessel & C.

O. Weber [= Alnus rhenana (P.

Wessel & C. O.

Weber) Winterscheid & Kvaček], Acer integrilobum C. O.

Weber, Melastomites marumiaefolia C. O.

Weber [= Dicotylophyllum sp.], "Zanthoxylon" braunii C. O.

Weber and "Gleditschia" gracillima C. O.

Weber. New records of angiosperms are added and supplemented by epidermal characteristics: cf.

Matudaea menzelii Walther and Carpinus elliptica P. Wessel in P.

Wessel & C. O.

Weber. Furthermore, the flora is supplemented by new records of conifers [Pinus cf. palaeostrobus (Ettingsh.) Heer, Pinus sp., Sequoia abietina (Brongn.) Knobloch, Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brongn.) Unger, Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger) Kvaček] and angiosperms [Engelhardia macroptera (Brongn.) Unger, Engelhardia orsbergensis (P.

Wessel & C. O.

Weber) Jähnichen, Mai & Walther (incl. Gleditschia gracillima C.

O. Weber ex parte), Myrica? lignitum (Unger) Saporta and Myrica longifolia Unger].