The esay analyzes the film musical Hvězda padá vzh ůru (The Star falls Up, dir. Lad.
Rychman, prem. 1974), in which the main role was enacteda by karel Gott, popular Czech pop singer, and whose screenplay was created as an adaptation classic Czech fairy tale play by J. K.
Tyl Bagpiper of Strakoneice. The autor examines the tranposition of the origin prototext (re-localization of teh story to the present day, changes in the composition of characters, as well as on the plot composition), and identifies the ideological manipulations symptomatic to the arts and cultural policy of upcoming normalization.
The film, simplifying the classic and turning it into anti-emigration propaganda, is then compared with the adaptation of the same play which premiered in České Budějovice a year after the communist February coup détat in 1948. The cmparison reveals the similar adaptation strategies and affirms the fact that normalization resuscitated political and artistic ideograms of the 1950s.