This study interprets selected representations of the First World War in several works by Jaroslav Ha šek, Rudolf Medek, and Jan Cibuzar in connection with the discourse of antisemitism. The study aims neither to indict Cibuzar and Medek as authors in whose texts antisemitic rhetoric is present, nor to defend Hašek, who approached antisemitic discourse by way of irony.
I regard it as more productive to abandon the level of indictment or defense of specific authors (or their texts) and devote my efforts instead to analyzing literary antisemitism in its individual variations, i.e. on the level of individual literary works. In each analyzed work, features of antisemitic discourse are connected with features from other discourses (we see this e.g. in Cibuzar and Medek with the features of nationalism) and are distinctly interwoven into the semantic web of the text, forming a unique configuration.