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Hindu-the philosophical background of Indian culture

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The introduction of the book describes the current state of Czech and Hindu indology. In the historical part of the book are given a sacredHindu writings (Vedas) and theirs comments (Upanishads).

According relation to the sacred texts is divided Hindu philosophical literature into three groups: orthodox, heterodow and indifferent. Orthodox group consists of six philosophicalscholls: Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimansa, Vedanta.

Heterox group of three schools : materalist, jainist and ajikist. Indifferent group composed of political and sociological writings.

In the description of modern Indian philosophy we find names like Tagore, Gandhi adn others.Unacceptable points of Hindu philosophy are: philosophical monism, theological polytheism, lack of respect upon the principle of contradiction, karmic law and particularly the doctrine of reincarnation. It will be appreciated that the time is not cyclic and reversible, but linear and irreversible.

At the end of the book is found a message about the current Hindu education.