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Pediatric endocrinology and diabetes

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Extensive new monograph leading authors programmatically builds on the founding work of our professional literature, clinical endocrinology, pediatric professor Dahlias Čížková-Písařovicová, and provides a comprehensive view of complex issues etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of growth, development, and various endocrine disorders. Special attention is devoted to diabetes in children and adolescents.

Based on the current domestic and global knowledge is extensive but clearly describes the different diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, diseases associated with diabetes, the issue of nutrition, the need for psychological support for the patient's family, all with regard to that young patients with diabetes can live full lives. The book concludes handy diagnostic guide for practice, including differential diagnostic procedures in individual endocrine symptoms, comparative tables, graphs and nomograms.

Modern textbooks with rich visual documentation covers the whole area of pediatric endocrinology and diabetology, which is a separate branch in Advanced specialized education. It is designed to become a useful study material for children of endocrinologists, as well as for general pediatricians and endocrinologists as well as for adults.