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Realization of skiing, swimming and sports courses at primary schools in the Czech Republic

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Article deals with the realizationof skiing, swimming and sports cources at primary schools in the Czech Republic. To the electronic survey took part 2822 primary schools and special primary schools, except schools, which were focused on sports events and schools by healthcare facilities.

Additional investigation contained 35 visits of the primary schools in Prague and Central Bohemmian Region (in school year 2014/2015) and 50 semi-structured interviews with teachers (25 women, 25 men) of Physical Education. Main reason was verification of previous observed results and deepening of obtained data about PE teacher's opinions.

Skiing (61,6%) and swimming (82,1%) cources are realized in the most of primary schools. Sport cources are not realized by all the 71,5% of the asked primary schools.

Possible reason of non-participation of children in these events are ordinarily financial claims, but also disinterest. Another barrier, at all the realization of cources may be organizational, eventually legislative aspects of these events organized outside the school area.