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The diversities of drawing : italian drawing of the High and Late Baroque from Bohemian and Moravian public collections

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The Diversity of Drawings is the first catalogue raisonné containing 112 drawings of the High and Late Baroque kept in the Bohemian and Moravian public collections. It focused on the main artistic centers in Italy: Bologna, Florence, and Rome.

Catalogue with the initial study describing the provenance and the main characteristics of the examined artistic schools is divided after following categories: figural studies, landscape, capriccios and vedutas, genres, composition designs, decoration and scene designs, religious themes, secular themes and allegories, and portrait drawings. Each catalogue entry includes the provenance of the examined drawing and literature dealing with this artwork.

Above all, the author concentrated on the expert method of connoisseurship to find the author of the drawing or to include the drawing into a specific artistic school. In some extraordinary cases, he studied also the iconography of the topic.