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Comparative theology and its development in works of Francis X. Clooney, S.J.

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty, Catholic Theological Faculty |


The article aims to introduce the concept of comparative theology into Czech domestic debates and define in a basic manner comparative theology as concept in relation to other disciplines. Although comparative theology is not very well known concept in the domestic academic environment, it is theological project frequently discussed in international forums.

The first part of the article deals with comparative theology as such and delimits it towards related academic disciplines, especially theology of religions and religion studies. The second part engages with the origin of comparative theology and schematizes its historical development.

In the third, concluding part, the concept of comparative theology is introduced using the example of the comparative theological work of Francis Xavier Clooney S. J., who is one of the key authors of its contemporary form.

Comparative theology tries to stay clear of the arrogant religious triumphalism, clericalism and juridism. It approaches religious systems different from Christianity with great interest and respect.

Representants of comparative theology are always ready to invite everyone to the common effort to search for truth throughout the cultural and religious differences.