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Varicella - zoster virus - review

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Varicella zoster virus causes two distinct clinical entities - varicella as a manisfestation of primary infection and herpes zoster which is a manifestation of virus reactivation. VZV along with hepres simplex virus 1 and hepres simplex virus 2 belongs to the group of alfa-herpes viruses.

These represent highly contagious viruses which have only a human host. Man is then also their single reservoir.

These are also very successful infectious agents thath are transmitted by either direct contact or respiratory route within the population. Globally, these viruses are among the most common viral agents infecting humans.

Although the chickenpox represents a preventable disease with an available vaccine, in the Czech Republic it is one of the most common infectious diseases in general and is a subject of a mandatory reporting to the Epidat system. The vaccination coverage in the children population of the Czech Republic in only 1 - 2 %.

Few tens of thousands of cases mainly in children are reported every year. Herpes zoster - shingles is reported in about six thousand people, nostly elderly, every year.

The incidence of HZ in the Czech population is higher by a third in women compared to men.