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Curriculum for Excellence: A curriculum based on competences and experiences from its implementati

Publication at Faculty of Education |


A case study is describing the characteristics of the Scottish curriculum of general education and its evolution in ten years from the beginning of curricular reform. The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is generally considered a model for global transformation of curricular practice at the beginning of the new millennium.

In its emphasis on general competences, an interdisciplinary approach and school autonomy in the creation of curricula it is similar to the Czech framework educational programmes. The article presents the conceptual starting points for the classification of curricula and corresponding reforms and gives a brief characterisation of the method of the study of one country.

We give an account of the Scottish educational system, the development of the new curriculum, its structure and its acceptance in schools. We put the stress on the evolution of the curriculum and general schooling from the launch of reform and on the current discussion and modifications of curricular policy.

The Scottish curricular reform is audacious and innovative in its overall goals, but insufficiently specific in its monitoring and fulfilment. The current modifications highlight basic literacy skills and the overall comfort of children and are strengthening the role of external assessment of the results of pupils and schools.