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Two-year-oldchildreninpre-schooleducation:Fromspring to summer

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The second part of this publication summarizes legal requirements related to the inclusion of two-year-old children in nursery schools. Furthermore, planned changes in School Act and Framework Educational Program for Preschool Education (FEP PE, 2017) and school education program are explained.

The theoretical part also discusses education of two-year-old children who do not live with their families. Enrollment of two-year-old children into nursery schools is also considered.

Similarly as in the first book, authors explain the person oriented model of education. They also consider the importance and realization of pedagogical diagnosis and specific requirements of children growing in various live conditions.

Two-year-old children education in nursery school is a recent topic in the Czech Republic. There are many urban legends about the education of children under three years in institutional services, although these legends have no research support.

Specialists, parents and politicians are involved in the inclusion of two-year-old children to nursery schools and these people often consider only their personal interests. The attempt of this book is presenting solutions to develop ideal conditions for the inclusion of two-year-old children in nursery schools.

First of all, it is essential to respect children needs. Then, we also have to consider requirements of teachers in nursery schools and parents.

Authors search efficient methods to include all these requirements to fulfil conditions of person oriented education which is summarized in the recommendation: mutual respect between children, teachers and parents.