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Analysing Musical Pieces Using Tools

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The tools provided under are capable of recognizing harmonies, extracting the high-level harmony features, and plotting the harmony structure of the audio. They focus on the classical tonal analysis, as well as the distances between the harmonies to allow for the creation of novel descriptors.

In the light of the recent expansion of the music retrieval techniques, the concepts of chord distances or chroma vector distances were still not studied to the full extent. With the presented tools we aim to provide an easy-to-use system for anyone interested in extracting these features, as well as an open-source framework written in Java for the developers interested in researching the concepts further.

In this short paper, we offer the walk-trough of tools with the manual for the correct usage. We also summarize the results achieved using our system and we set the focus for the next development and research.