Hyperprolactinemia is a common laboratory finding. It is found in some physiological states and in endocrinological and nonendocrinologcal diseases.
Prolactinomas are the most common cause of pathologic hyperprolactinemia and the most frequent type of pituitary adenoma. Hyperprolactinemia causes infertility, disturbance of the menstrual cycle due to hypoestrogenism and galactorrhea in women, and decreased libido and impotency in men.
In cases of the clinical manifestation of hyperprolactinemia, it is necessary to treat its cause. The primary therapy for prolactinomas is pharmacological treatment with dopamine agonists.
Surgical and radiation treatments are used for prolactinoma patients who are resistant or intolerant to dopamine agonists or in the case of complications. During pregnancy of women with microprolactinoma, the pharmacological treatment with dopamine agonists is withdrawn, with pregnant women with macroprolactinoma, it is necessary to assess every single case individually.