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Czech version of paired associative learning test - A pilot study

Publikace na 1. lékařská fakulta, 3. lékařská fakulta |

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The aim of the pilot study was to introduce a Czech version of the paired associative learning task (CZPAL) and to assess whether the two versions of the test were comparable. In addition, we compared the memory retention performance in two groups of younger (n = 10) and elderly (n = 5) volunteers.

The task consisted of learning and recall of 120 word pairs in the following four phases: 1) learning, 2) immediate recall with feedback, 3) short-delay recall, and 4) delayed recall. The test showed to be an adequate measure of the declarative memory, which is resistant to floor and ceiling effects.

The results of the two versions of the test were comparable and may thus be used as suitable retest variants. Younger adults performed better than elderly, which is consistent with the notion of age-related memory decline.

Overall, the task may be used as an experimental measure of declarative memory in the Czech language context.