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Typology of women's attitudes to feminism and the concept of private feminism in Czech context

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The main objective of the paper presents the results of qualitative research, which was conducted in June 2016 at Charles University in Prague. I created a typology of four different approaches of women in relation to feminism from "I am not a feminist", "I am not a feminist but", "I am a feminist, but" to "I am a feminist".

These four positions in historical and local scale define the feminist context and are characterized by great resistance in post-communist Czech history, will be further detailed in the presentation. However the crucial contribution in our research was the reflection of the latency of the feminist consciousness in the Czech Republic.

I came up with the concept of private feminism, which can be understood as intended reflection of gender (constructed by different life trajectories) without trying to promote this attitude ideologically or publicly. The concept of private feminism reflects the aspect of engagement, which in this case is seen as an important prerequisite for active and public feminism.

Mostly because Czech women often perceive feminism as a social movement struggling for social change and whose membership is conditional on active advocating for their goals.