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Return to the primeval condition. Péter Nádas' Own death as the meditation on life and death

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Based on the characteristics of the philosophy of death, presented by georges scherer, a philosophical interpretation of the novel 'own death', by hungarian prose writer péter nádas, will be proposed, namely the re-reading of the novel as a practical expression of the philosophy of death. Starting from the description and the analysis of the text structure, using mieke bal's narrative theory and the concept of focalization, i will then analyze the meaning of the text, which can be considered a philosophical meditation.

Narrator's own experience, it's in-depth analysis, and, finally, an attempt to describe it in language show the steps he takes to reveal his views on human relation to one's own existence as well as to reality. The paper aims to demonstrate that 'own death' can also be interpreted as an attempt to understand 'self', which in european culture has traditionally been perceived as a spiritual-intellectual being, with its corporeal aspect neglected; the importance of this aspect is, however, recognized by the author.