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The Role of Chinese Script in Progress of Imperial China Formation

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The contribution deals with the way the Chinese sign script contributed to the formation of the state system of Imperial China and to integration of a multinational and culture and language abundant system as Imperial China was for over 2000 years. Due to its constant time and spatial form and thanks to the universality based on the link between the written and sound form of contemporary Chinese language, Chinese sign script became one of the main means of state administration unification and of standartization of judicial, executive and law-making power.

Through the preparation for imperial examinations entitling successful candidate to enter state service, their education, determinated by the Chinese sign script, was unified and defined the system of values. This is the way people with similar education, opinions of real and hypothetic problems and with similar ambitions entered state administration.

Their aim was not gain power, but to serve the supreme emperor and people in harmony with the Chinese state philosophy. An example of a Chinese scholar was not the one whose unusual and unconventional ideas could solve contemporary problems, but the one who was able, by his/her action, education and way of communication, to get closer to the imaginary standard dictated by the state interest.