Extention of human life is connected to growing portion of seniors in the population. Separate problem is the maintenance of healthy life - life without dependance on the surrounding and corresponding level of cognitive and physical capacities.
Optimal physical activity (PA) as an integral part of healthy lifestyle plays important role to achieve this goal. PA is the most important factor playing the role in prevention of premature all-cause death ("sedentary death syndrome").
In some studies, the average age of death is similar for active and inactive seniors. However, in more recent studies compared with individuals reporting no leisure time physical aktivity, it was observed a 20% lower mortality risk among those active, but performing less than the recommended minimum of 7.5 metabolic-equivalent hours per week, and a 31 % lower risk among those at 1 to 2 to 3 times the recommended weekly minimum.
At any case, the active senior could gain a several years advantage of quality-adjusted life expectancy. Regular control of fitness level using either laboratory and or motor tests can reveal the threat of loss of independence and frailty, and can also be a motivation to regular physical activity.