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Androdidactic competences of teachers at technical universities

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The demands on university teachers of technical subjects are changing in the context of economic and political developments in society and opinions on the form, content, scope and mutual relation between professional activities to be carried on. A university is a place where pedagogy and andragogy overleap due to the fact that there are regular students as well as professionals taking a course of study aiming at extending their qualifications.

A university teacher affects both of these groups, as a pedagogue and lecturer). To achieve effective pedagogical results a teacher needs to understand social and psychological characteristics, have knowledge about psychological traits in each developmental stage, possible styles of information intake and motivation to learning.

The knowledge of all the aspects of the didactic system, realistic approach towards planning and university education management and evaluation proves to be crucial. A university teacher of technical subjects thus cannot do without androdidactic competence which accounts for the basic area of andragogic science.

The results of research carried out in 2016 are presented in the text.