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Publication at Faculty of Education |


The goal of the paper is to show the specifics of communication and practices in a CLIL mathematics lesson in contrast to a mathematics lesson conducted in a mother tongue. The reported research is conducted within the frame of the international Lexicon Project.

A CLIL lesson must have dual focus (mathematical and language objectives) and thus we must expect some significant differences in classroom practices and communication patterns. For these reasons, the authors of the paper use Czech Lexicon to describe several CLIL lessons and look for what specific aspects of a CLIL lesson do not have a corresponding term in the Lexicon.

Lexicon is a book of reference, a lexicon that provides the needed terminology as well as examples of what is meant by different terms used for the description of classroom practices in a mathematics lesson. The aim of the study is to point to the fact that teachers who face the situation of teaching mathematics through a foreign language should be familiar with practices that will be different from a traditional mathematics lesson and thus it will need more of their and their pupils' attention.

Moreover, pupils must be allowed extra time to get used to these new practices and patterns to develop a new classroom culture - the culture of a CLIL mathematics lesson. The results of the presented analysis illuminate the specifics of teaching mathematics in CLIL, and thus they are useful both for CLIL teachers and teacher trainers.