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Novel Approach to Two-Component Analysis Based on the Generalized Calibration Strategy

Publication at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


The generalized calibration strategy (GCS), developed and previously applied to chemical analysis, has been adapted to two-component (2C) analysis. According to the 2C-GCS procedure, a set of 10 calibration solutions containing a sample and standards of two analytes in well-defined composition was diluted.

The measurements performed at a given dilution stage allow the concentration of both analytes in a sample to be evaluated with six apparent concentrations calculated with various mathematical approaches. As a result, the method allows the detection, examination, and elimination of nonlinear and interference effects with multiplicative and additive characteristics.

To perform 2C-GCS automatically and effectively, a dedicated flow sequential injection system was designed to be fully controlled by a computer. Caffeine and paracetamol were determined in synthetic and pharmaceutical samples using this calibration approach.

The analytes were determined with good precision and accuracy with low consumption of sample and standard solutions. On the basis of this experimental model, the influence of effects and tendencies in the examined analytical system was detected and evaluated.